Saturday, January 8, 2011

Feeding a Growing Population vs Conserving Biodiversity

Biodiversity is the variability of all living organisms. It makes up the structure of the ecosystems and habitats that support essential living resources. It helps provide for basic human needs such as food, shelter, and medicine. As we recall the meaning of biodiversity, we would not want our world that we live in to endure. This can happen by relying only on a few highly productive livestock breeds and crop varieties, which therefore allows less productive breeds to become extinct and allows the genetic diversity to decrease. This leads us to the various differences between industrial and sustainable farming. The picture below clearly shows many differences between these two types of agriculture.
 By looking at the picture above, it is clearly shown that industrial agriculture is not good and it is taking over to provide people with cheap and large amounts of food, but at the same time putting the health and well being of those species at risk. If the agriculture industry keeps up with the rapid growth of the global human population, more industrial farming would be used instead of sustainable farming and it can not only cause species to become extinct but there are also environmental health concerns such as, monocultures are wearing away biodiversity among both plants and animals. Industrial agriculture depends on expensive inputs from off the farm (e.g., pesticides and fertilizer), many of which generate wastes that harm the environment. The picture below shows industrial agriculture and how it is completely dependent on oil-based products from fuel to pesticides and fertilizers.

Sustainable farming on the other hand, produces foods without excessive use of pesticides and other hazardous chemical inputs. It is healthier than industrial farming as organic crops contain significantly more vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. Organic foods contain higher levels of antioxidants, which help fight certain types of cancer as well. In sustainable farming there aren’t any animal waste issues as they do not raise more animals than the land is capable of sustaining. Because of this farmers are able to use manure as fertilizer for their crops. No chemical fertilizers are needed as it avoids pollution problems. Sustainable farmers recognize the importance of protecting the natural environment. They manage their farms in a responsible manner, maintaining the fertility of the land and preserving resources for future generations. Natural farming is the nature-healing way of growing food as said in the picture below.  

In my opinion, I personally don’t think it’s worth getting rid of some species just to get cheaper and more of one specific type of food.  By researching about industrial farming and comparing it with sustainable farming, it shocks me to see that industrial agriculture actually takes place where we live. It causes continuous production of animals which reduces genetic diversity. This leads to animals becoming extinct and biodiversity reducing. It has caused many problems which made animals extinct and has caused harmful diseases to human beings. So you decide, industrial or sustainable farming?



1. Jessica's Blog
2. Frances's Blog


  1. I really liked your blog! I especially like the photo you showed first, it shows the clear difference between industrial agriculture and sustainable agriculture. I also agree with how it is not worth getting rid of some species just to get cheaper and more food. It is going to affect us in the long run, and people don't realize it yet.

  2. hey! great blog! I completely agree with you, sustainable agriculture is much more safe rather then industrial agriculture. not only is it more safe, but it is a lot better for the well being of our world. I like how the picture separates both types of agriculture; this gives a chance for individuals to see the difference between the too better and separate them from good to bad, that way individuals also have the chance to take a step towards helping the economy. "By researching about industrial farming and comparing it with sustainable farming, it shocks me to see that industrial agriculture actually takes place where we live. " I agree, researching about this topic makes you aware the dangerous things that are lead by genetically modified. Bye! g

  3. ANKEER! I agree that we should become more aware of what we are eating and the Sustainable agriculture is WAY better for us. Especially because of what you mentioned that sustainable agriculture does not contain as much pesticides or other hazardous chemicals. I also agree with you that it is not worth getting rid of different species. It is also really terrible that it causes harmful diseases to human beings. Great job ankkkkkeeerr !

  4. Hey! Good blog, Anker! And I have to agree with you when you say that sustainable agriculture is better for us, considering it doesn't contain all the harmful chemicals and pesticides that industrial farmers use. It really is worth it in the end to buy organic, even if it costs us a higher monetary cost.

  5. Hey Anker,

    Your post is really interesting and informative! I did the same topic regarding industrial agriculture and sustainable agriculture and I'm glad that we both go for sustainability!

    I do agree that it is quite shocking that industrial agriculture takes place where we live. I would just like to mention that in IA, animals are treated inhumanely, with animals being injected with hormones even though it causes diseases like mastitis, hoof diseases and internal bleeding. It's just sad that while we enjoy the food we have on the table, a lot of people overlook what the animals have gone through. I have one suggestion though, it would be much better if you included ways we can support sustainable agriculture like buying from farmer markets etc.

    Over-all, your topic is interesting and your blog was really informative! I like how you state your opinion regarding the issue! :)

  6. Hey Anker! Great blog! I think you did a good job in expressing your opinion, something which i definitely agree with. Though Industrial farming is a cheap and faster way of producing food, i also don't feel it is worth the endagerment of certain living speices. It is also a process which causes hazards and contamination to our environment. The effects of Industrial agriculture seem strongly negative, and i think we should become more aware of the situation. Even though we may have to spend extra costs on sustainable agriculture, it seems worth it in the long run. We are preserving our environment and the living organisms in it!
